other VIVO RECORDS releases___________________________________________________________


01 .aiff skull 
02 my underwater boy, reggae
03 porque te vas
04 interlude: dog
05 u can't touch dis MP3
06 chopstick park MP3
07 interlude: stomach
08 nido MP3
09 ninth lament
10 tenth lament MP3
11 doggy swamp MP3
12 do the wrong thing
13 interlude: chopstick
14 kakke no tonkachi MP3
15 intelude: stolen hour
16 wholepole - the discotheque of erotic misery MP3
17 ok
(ningen daigaku)
18 ghost 2 MP3
19 intelude: helo
20 tamori's message MP3
21 reality

21 tracks, 62 minutes of fascinating sounds by one of the most important bands of the Japanese experimental music scene.  Check your musical sensitivity and ... have good fun!

zamawiam 29 zl+poczta

credit card payment - ask for details info@vivo.pl

I'm looking at the most fucked up EP ever produced. Forget about the usual acid cover art [this time around featuring a back-to-nature theme]. Forget about the fantastically skewed name of the band. Satanicpornocultshop. What kind of a name is this anyhow? Do these guys expect to make it big with this sort of a farce? What bothers me is the EP is made up of one proper track - the four minute cut'n'spliced "Aiff Skull" - while the remaining hour is "filler" bonus tracks. Is this a joke these Japanese freaks are playing on us? Are they for real? An EP? To be fair, the title track is equally as good as any of the other 20 "filler" pieces. It's got funk, wild break beats and stolen goods all wrapped up in one. It jolts. It breaks and it's hip to your brain. As you move into the mass of the bonus tracks, you start to get happy. It's here where all the fun lies. "U Can't Touch Dis" features a wasted MC Hammer vocal over a bed of uneven spread of molasses and brown sugar, while "Ghost 2" features a ravaged Michael Jackson competing with a mash-up version of him and various rappers. One of the most splendid moments on the record is "Ninth Lament", followed by "Tenth Lament". Basically a series of serene, timeless and sombre melodic sequences - just piano, sampler and a vocal repeating a similar phrase in an endless pattern. This makes for a nice change from the chaos of the rest of the record. As a whole, the record doesn't break any new ground the band hasn't gone into before. The same fanatical sampling remains. The same hip-hop, break-metal, fucked-up-plunderphonic mentality is retained. I can't wait for the next big step this outfit takes. - Tom Sekowski / GAZ-ETA

Satanicpornocultshop odpowiadają za najrozkoszniej zwariowaną muzykę, jaka powstała w Japonii w ostatniej dekadzie. Nazwa dobrze wprowadza w estetykę grupy, która jest skandalicznym i podszytym fetyszyzmem zlepkiem popkulturowego śmiecia i awangardowej wizji.

Wesołe potwory popkultury

Machina / Rafał Księżyk, "Playboy"

Zasłynęli brawurowymi przeróbkami hitów z repertuaru Velvet Underground, Missy Elliot, Duran Duran i filmowego szlagieru "Porque te vas" z obrazu Saury "Nakarmić kruki". Już to karkołomne zestawienie daje znać, iż Japończycy nie wahają się miksować wszystkiego ze wszystkim. Lubują się w trywialnych brzmieniach pop, ale łączą je z hałasami i beatami futurystycznej elektroniki, jak również wszelakimi dźwiękami z otoczenia. Koronnym przykładem ich wersja "Get Ur Freak On". Słodki głosik drobnej Japoneczki sąsiaduje tu z dziecięcymi zaśpiewami i popiskiwaniem tamagochi. Hipnotyczny rytm poddaje drumla z azjatyckich stepów, a w tle mieszają się cyfrowe mikrohałasy, wystrzały z pistoletu, szczekanie psa i chorał gregoriański. Wszystko to realizowane w myśl hiphopowej zasady: wytnij i wklej i podszyte absurdalnym humorem, którego spiętrzenie jest odpowiedzią na natłok informacji. Efektem nie jest bynajmniej chaos, lecz odświeżający posmak zabawy. Takie wrażenia towarzyszą wszystkim dokonaniom grupy. Satanicpornocultshop wpisują się do ekstraklasy plądrofoników - artystów, którzy igrają z popkulturą poprzez cięcie i rearanżację jej transmisji. Takich, jak The Residents, John Oswald, People Like Us, V/ VM, Kid 606, Wobbly.
Satanicpornocultshop nie tylko podejmują estetykę plądrofonii z tempem naszych czasów, ale też poszerzają ją na globalną miarę, adaptując hiszpańskie piosnki, azjatyckie etno, reggae i hiphop.
Działają od 10 lat. Wydali 8 albumów, kilka singli, pojawiali się na dziesiątce kompilacji. U nas niewiele o nich wiadomo, bo przecież polski dziennikarz muzyczny pisze zazwyczaj o tym, o czym przeczytał w brytyjskiej prasie. A Satanicpornocultshop doceniono głównie w Francji, Austrii i Niemczech. W 2005 roku dotarli na pierwszą europejską trasę, entuzjastycznie przyjmowani w czeskiej Pradze, nad Wisłę nie dotarli. Za to nakładem polskiej wytwórni Vivo ukazała się już druga ich płyta. Sensacyjna współpraca zaczęła sie w 2005 roku od "Orochi Under The Straight Edge Leaves" , najlepszego albumu Japończyków, a teraz ukazała się ".aiff Skull EP". Ep'ka zawiera jeden utwór plus... 20 bonusów, co rozciąga materiał singla do godziny. Ta mieszanka remiksów, odświeżonych hitów, fragmentów audycji radiowych będzie doskonałym wprowadzeniem w twórczość Japończyków.

The releases I get sent in for review never fail to surprise me. I've had releases that have lasted 14 minutes and been classed as full releases. As if. Then I get an EP that lasts for nearly an hour.give or take a few minutes. I'm fucked if I can figure out what goes in the heads of the record labels when they make the distinctions about what constitutes a specific release. Best I don't go there. The arguments and debates could last longer than the running time of this release. An EP that lasts as long as a full release. You go figure.and please feel free to do the math.
I'm looking at a pinhead. Written on it is everything I know about SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP. It actually doesn't have words on there. Only a ? mark. Sums it all up. They do say that ignorance is bliss. Well in my case it most definitely is. Taking the information from the very dainty digi-pack cover the group consists of Lisa (vocals ), *ES ( Indian Pipe ), Vinyl man ( Turntables ), Frozen Pine ( Vocals, Guitar and Turntables ), Liftman ( Organ and Keyboards ) and Ugh ( Electronics, Turntables and Drums ). Since 1998 they have released eight full length recordings and five EP's, including this one I'm currently writing up, and also seven CDRs. The amount of compilation appearances are fucking far too many to count. A lot.put it that way. Musically they are damn hard to pigeonhole.if 'aiff Skull' is reflective of their usual output. I've described them as fitting in with the Experimental / Sample frenzied Pop / Dub & Dance weirdness / Plunderphonics genres.but theirs is a sound that seems to change at will making adequate descriptions a nightmare for a reviewer. Strike one to SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP. The reviewer has been left nonplussed. Again. Damn these cunning artists who go out of the way to make the reviewers task harder than it's meant to be.
Twenty one tracks. On an EP. Lasting nearly 60 minutes. Every track a challenge to the ears. That was the easy bit. Trying to put together an appropriate review will be much harder. How do explain to the man in the street a song that has scratching |+ beats over a woman singing the nursery rhyme 'Sing a song of sixpence' without it sounding too far out for even the most drug damaged person on the planet. SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP take the stance that throwing together the most odd sounds they can find and conjure up and placing them in ever wilder combinations is the way to a listeners heart. If David 'Eraserhead' Lynch was to make music even he couldn't sound like SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP. We are talking seriously weird here. As with all these sort of releases, I'm sorry to report that originality is in short supply here, there are the pluses and minuses to consider.
The pluses: The tunes are well thought out and executed. The raps highly amusing. The samples are superb. Everything from Michael Jackson to Ghostbusters to some unknown 'from the ghetto' songs and 'fuck knows where they found that' talking heads. Not the band by the way. The vocals of Lisa are worth the price of the release alone. She brings a warm blast of sunshine with her vocal delivery to the tracks she contributes to. Strike two to SATANICPORNOCULTSHOP. The turntable scratching, effects and fading are excellent. You can tap your feet to the music. Happy shiny people at work and play for your pleasure. The variety of sounds on offer are immense and acts in their favour. Bored you won't be by their choices. Quaint and quirky music hasn't sounded this good in ages.
The minuses: Too little of Little Miss Sunshine herself Lisa. A recording with her on vocals all the way through would have been a winner without any doubt. Some of the more experimental aspects don't quite work out as well as they should have. And the problem of originality rears its ugly head. I've listened to similar recordings over the years and they all sound so.familiar in the end. There is only so much you can do with this form of music. And its all been done before.
But don't let my negative comments ruin this for you. You just have to be made aware of them otherwise I'm not being true to you, the reader, with my review. On a personal note I found 'aiff Skull' highly entertaining and bloody fun to listen to. This whole changing and chopping everyway which loose appeals to my sense of humour, twisted at best, and I dug their groove.so says the hipster of the old generation. And Lisa's contributions alone makes this release worth checking out. Crazy music for crazy times. www.heathenharvest.com

Absolut over-the-top-gesplatterte Schlager- unnd HipHop-Mélange aus Japan. Alles strömt unerwartet unnd urplötzlich aus den Startlöchern (Duran Duran auf Neubauten, Coverversionen der Brüller 'Porque Te Vas' und 'Dreams' aus La Boum etc.), bleibt allerdings in seiner Hektik oft nur angedeutet und zelebriert in der nächsten Sekunde des Bruch mit der heilen Schlagerwelt. Seltsamerweise singen die Japaner auch selbst, gerne 1930er Loungeschnickschnack oder 'nen ausgeklügelten Rap auf Japanisch (oder doch Fantasiegeblubber?). Aber auch hier kann niemand wissen, ob vielleicht das kurze, laut quietschend Geräuschmassaker den nächsten Satz ankündigt oder zum Ende aufruft. Ein unterhaltsamer und humorvoller Quell gutwillig vertrackter Songscherben und verkurbelter Lieder, hier und da zu aufdringlich und überproduziert, im Ganzen aber bunt und bescheuert geil wie TV beim Dauerskippen.
ed **** / De:Bug 03/07}

Lively, fun and choppy collection of tracks from Satanicpornocultshop. I actually wasn't expecting it to be this perky and you get a real sense of how much fun it was to make. In short bursts it's endlessly engaging and features such a wide range of samples, from Herbert-esque cut up beats and jerkiness through to potty electronic Pop and even some extremely abstract sounds that work their way into your head. Listened to repeatedly I imagine it would kind of lose some of its appeal, but, as I say, go back to it regularly for small chunks and I reckon you'll rather enjoy it. www.smallfish.co.uk

(...) Satanicpornocultshop plays sampler music. In the band, three people play turntables, but there is also a female singer, electronics, indian pipe, organ, keyboards and drums. The music is too wild to even start a description, but we'll try. They play a super eclectic mixture of reggae, turntablism, easy tune, hip hop, techno and plunderphonics - and then I probably forget one or more styles. Lisa's voice is sweet and summer like and  is the real gem of the band. It brings them closer to popmusic. The very same popmusic which they freely plunder to death. Again I'm not too well-informed about all the Shakira Spears of this world, but sometimes there is even some tune that this old cat recognizes (you can't touch this). A very nice collection of very uplifting music that leaves the listener behind with a big smile on his face. (FdW) VITAL WEEKLY

Wait, I've never talked about Satanicpornocultshop before? I wrote a short piece about them for my friend Helen's zine earlier in the year, and meant to re-use it here, but never did. Soz. They've just released a new EP, 'Aiff Skull' on Vivo Records (straight outta Poland), so now's as good a time as any to spread the word. Satanicpornocultshop are kind of a hip-hop act. But more like musique concrete. They're odd, basically. Their lynchpin, Ugh, assembles tracks from all sorts of odd sources, to a degree that most of their songs sound completely unlike anything else. They cover lots of famous songs, as a kind of running commentary on popular culture, or a peek into an alternate universe where they had written these songs - in the case of their version of 'Get Ur Freak On', their additions play off your knowledge of the original: the baby voice saying 'Hello!' is funny, then unsettling, then funny again. Essentially, they're awesome, and once you dive in, you'll love them forever, even if that does mean navigating Polish websites and hefty Japanese import prices. They're worth it, honest.The Wirewool

Satanistyczny Pornocultshop otwiera swe ekscytujace podwoje raz jeszcze, oferujac tym razem nieprzeliczone bogactwo dzwieków, jakiego nie powstydzilyby sie schulzowskie sklepy cynamonowe. Czegóz to nie znajdziemy na tym albumie przekornie udajacym epke? Kolejne podejscie do szlagieru z filmu Saury Nakarmic kruki, cover Michaela Jacksona, dubowa wersje przebojowej "poscielówki" Dreams are my realisty etc., etc. Wszystko zas utrzymane w atmosferze uciesznej wzglednosci i radosnego eklektyzmu, miksujacego wszystko z wszystkim. Niesforni Japonczycy maja jeden tylko patent na tworzenie muzyki i eksploatuja go w sposób absolutny. Jest to jednak, dodajmy uczciwie, patent genialny - laczacy z niebywala maestria postmodernistyczna pladrofonie, patenty rodem z muzyki konkretnej, atrakcyjna formule klubowych rytmów i abstrakcyjno-absurdalna elektronike. Chaos?? Byc moze, ale tylko pozorny. Wszystko jest tu bowiem kompozycyjnie przemyslane i przemyslnie skomponowane, owocujac ekscytujacym doznaniem muzycznym, które jednak nie kazdego przekona. Taki juz urok Sataniców - bez watpienia ulubionego zespolu wszystkich milosników awangardy, marzacych przez lata o tym, aby bezkarnie posluchac szlagierowych nagran Michaela Jacksona czy Kylie Minogue!
Dariusz Brzostek / GAZ-ETA
